Socializing with others?
9:18 AM
"Can you find me in this picture? Do you know what I'm doing?"
Mummy, Daddy and I went to library again and we had coffee break at the cafeteria in the library. Daddy ordered cheese cake and coffee as usual. Before the cake was served, daddy quickly fed me milk so that I won’t eat much cheese cake. While drinking milk, the cheese cake was served and daddy was so shocked that I suddenly stopped drinking and quickly sit down and prepared to eat cheese cake.
Haha! Papa sighed because I wasted half bottle of milk.
After I finished whole piece of cheese cake, mummy and daddy still continue sitting there reading books and drinking coffee. But I have nothing to do! I’m not interested in coffee. Since nothing to do, then I thought of walking around and socializing with others. Haha!
A daddy was teaching his daughter homework on another table. I just walked towards their table and joined in. Busybody right? But to my surprise, they treated me as transparent! His daddy continued teaching his daughter and ignored me!
I felt so bored being ignored, I better change to other table. Hehe.. I came to another table where 2 jie jie were sitting there reading books. I just walked towards them and started to chit chat with them. Haha! I’m not sure whether they understood what I was talking, I just knew that they kept praising me cute. Hehe… I was so happy. After chit chat with them, I still shake hand with them and said good bye to them!
Mummy asked me not to walk around and just sit down on the sofa and read. But you know how busybody I was, I felt very bored just sitting on the sofa. Hehe..
I sit on the sofa not more than 1 minute, I came down from sofa and started to walk around again. Hehe.. This time I went to another table where a mummy was teaching her daughter homework. I went there because something attracted me! I just went there and took it without asking! It was a pen. I love pen so much! Mummy quickly went there and stopped me and returned the pen to that mummy.
Mummy and daddy quickly finished their coffee and brought me to children section. Hehe.. If they stay longer at the cafeteria, I think I would go to disturb all the tables. Surprisingly, I behaved myself at children section and sit down alone and read book!Hehe… Just 1 minute and mummy managed to capture above picture. After that, I was busy taking book from the book shelves and walking around. I also grabbed book from other kids too. I thought other kids’ books were more interesting than the book on the book shelves! Hehe.. Poor mummy had to follow me run around and kept apologized with other parents.